Expecting Miracle #2!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God works in mysterious ways!

Today I was scheduled for an endoscopy to see if the pains that I have been having are an ulcer or an internal hernia. I went into the hospital and was taken back to be prepped for surgery. The nurse asked for a urine sample as soon as I was taken back to surgery holding. I gave my urine sample, lied down on the cot and was quickly given my IV. All of a sudden I notice that there is a little commotion surrounding my pregnancy test. I see nurses standing at it, staring at it and chatting with one another while pointing at it. They call over more nurses and the surgeon. They decide that they will do another one. I was sitting there in utter shock when a nurse told me: "there is a faint line so we're going to do another one". You cannot even begin to image my instant shock. So a couple minutes later I notice the same commotion ... I'm looking at them with my 'tell me now' eyes! She said: "another faint line, we're going to do a blood test!" My first question - "how long does it take!?!?" They told me it shouldn't take any longer than 1/2 hour. They asked me if I wanted Doug and Addy brought back to sit with me. I said I would love that - just don't tell him what's going on!! Doug and Addy spent the next excruciating 20 or so minutes with me. I was crawling out of my skin in anticipation; luckily he thought it was just nerves for the surgery. The whole time I am watching the nurses walk around, answer the phone; patiently as can be - waiting for the answer. All of a sudden I look up to one that is approaching me and her lips whispered "it's POSITIVE!" I threw my head back in disbelief! I looked at Doug and my eyes started watering. All this time I hadn't even thought about that I would say to him. The only thing I could think to say was: "honey, I am not having my surgery today... and I am not having my tummy tuck next month". He looked at me - puzzled as can be: "WHY!? What's going on!?" {The nurse had given me the urine test and I had tucked it into my bra before Doug ever joined me.} I pulled it out and held it up for him. He stared at it, it took a few seconds to register and he said "what's that!? A pregnancy test!? You're pregnant!?!?" I looked into his eyes and whispered “yes”. He immediately looked at Addy and said “you’re going to be a big sister Addy!!” It wasn’t until a few moments later when we had a little more privacy without the doctors and nurses running around congratulating us that we were able to finally hold one another and give each other a congratulatory kiss. The whole event couldn’t have been more perfect – finding out as a family of three (even if there were a couple dozen other attendees LOL).
So … obviously I didn’t end up having my scope surgery and I will not be having my tummy tuck as planned on July 8th. God works in mysterious ways…

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